How I learn new Framework/Language/Library/Tools

Frameworks come-and-go. There's nothing you can do. But one thing you can do is - adapt. And if you don't, you'll be forgotten like your framework/tools. Most of us fear new stuff. We fear change. Adaptation is very easy if you can overcome the fear of it. It is not only true for the framework…Read more How I learn new Framework/Language/Library/Tools

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image manipulation with cache facility in nginx

Manipulation like resizing to cropping, rotating an image is very easy through image_filter module of nginx. In addition we can cache this manipulated images. We will need 2 nginx server. original server [ i,e, http://mysite.local:80 ] media server. [ i,e, http://media.local:80 ] This server will be used to deliver the desired resized or cropped images.…Read more image manipulation with cache facility in nginx

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Solution of infinite digest loop for ng-repeat with object property filter in AngularJS

Few months ago I wrote a code in AngularJS which was something like this: <ul ng-repeat="course in courses|filter:{is_taken:true }" > <li>{{ }}</li> </ul>   It was generating a digesting loop error. Though the data was showing correctly. Soon I realized that it was generating because for each turn in ng-repeat loop, courses are filtered…Read more Solution of infinite digest loop for ng-repeat with object property filter in AngularJS

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AJAX requests in CakePHP without disabling SecurityComponent

Security is always a big deal for a software specially for web app where you don't know your users' intention. To ensure some common security measure, CakePHP provides SecurityComponent with its core. Let's come to the point. If you try to POST any request through AJAX, you will get Bad Request exception and your request…Read more AJAX requests in CakePHP without disabling SecurityComponent

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